Saturday, June 12, 2010


So I've been attempting to post another video this whole week, but for some reason it's not working. Maybe the video's too big, or maybe there's a firewall of some kind. I figured I should just post something anyway, and try to stay up to date.
I finally picked up a guitar last weekend, and have been very occupied by it since then. It was used and cheap, and all in all seems to be pretty good. It was made in Nagoya by a company called Morris, who I've never heard of, though I don't know a whole lot about guitars, etc. I've made a habit out of coming home for lunch, saving money, and rocking out for a few minutes before going back to work.
I've also made some progress in cleaning up the apartment, which had a lot of things left over by the previous teacher. While a lot of them are very useful (dishes, tools, a bike), a lot of things were taking up more than their share in the room (bedding, books, snowboard). The other foreign teacher is actually taking a lot of it off my hands, as she snowboards and will probably get a little more use out of the beginners Japanese textbooks than I will. Once I have the place how I like it, I'll be sure to post some pictures.
Things to coming soon on the blog: Burger Updates, Eric vs. Ueda Garbage Collection Pt. 1, and maybe some photos of some dishes I cooked and want to introduce you to. I cooked Bitter Melon Champloo and Mabo Eggplant, and think some of you might enjoy those things. Ingredients should be available at your nearest Asian supermarket.

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